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Children Reading the Holy Bible

The love of a child is the light of the home


I need help finding for my child the right school, preschool, kindergarten or nanny.


We will assist you to find the right school or kindergarten for your beloved child

Price: €620 / per child / excl. tax

(+bureaucracy costs which could be incurred)



How do you begin choosing a school in the Netherlands?


We will help you understand the Child Benefit (kinderbijslag) available to parents in the Netherlands. Arranges a tour of the selected school(s). Provides information on reliable and trusted nanny/babysitting services in your area. Customizes the search for international schools based on your criteria.

What kind of school does my child need?

We have in the Netherlands 3 types of schools: Dutch State Schools, International Private Schools, and International Community Schools. Depending on the type of education you wish your child to have, we can help you narrow your search based on your needs and budget.

Please keep in mind most of the schools in the Netherlands tend to fill up quickly and may have a long wait list.


Contact us to have the best chance of securing a school today:

After school care (buitenschoolse / naschoolse opvang)

After school care (buitenschoolse opvang) and outside-school care (naschoolse opvang) organisations provide care and activities for children aged 4 to 12 years from 7.30am until 6.30pm on school days and school holidays. They usually work with one or several primary schools – so both local and international schools should be able to help parents locate one that suits them in the area – and children are often collected from their school by a professional guardians.

Food and drink is usually provided, and children can play outside, do crafts, read or get help with their homework. Some centers are aligned with a sports club, community center or music school, so there are many options for activities.

My Child is too young for School!

Dutch child care centers are high in demand and wait lists can be very long, therefore our approach is to assess each child care request on a case-by-case basis. Even if you are looking for home-care, we can help. We will be pleased to accompany you to your local municipal government (city hall), they might have an overview of the different options.

The general term for child care in the Netherlands is “kinderopvang” and includes:

  • Child care facilities: day care centers, host parents (or childminders), preschool and after school care.

  • Child care services: playgroup, babysitting, nannies and Au pairs.

For (expat) parents working full time, there are three main types of organized childcare facilities In the Netherlands:


Day care (kinderdagverblijf)

Children up to 4 years old can be looked after in a day care (kinderdagverblijf) center, where they can stay for up to 10 hours a day. Day care centers in the Netherlands are professionally run and employ fully qualified childcare staff. All childcare centers must comply with a strict standard of quality according to Dutch law.

Dutch day care centers are usually open from 7.30am or 8am to 6pm on weekdays and offer care for babies as young as three months to children up to four years. Some centers have special groups for babies and toddlers, while others combine the two. There is usually 2 teachers for between four to eight children, depending on age groups.

Food is usually provided by the day care center, while parents are responsible for supplying any other necessities.

There are often long waiting lists for spots in a day care centers so it is best to register your child as early as possible (which may be before it is even born). You should also consider registering with more than one center until you get a spot.

Preschools (peuterspeelzalen)

Preschools (peuterspeelzalen in Dutch) are for children aged 2 to 4 years. They are often part of a primary school and help prepare children for primary school, and they must be registered in the Landelijk Register Kinderopvang (National Child care Register).

Children in the Netherlands go two to three times a week either in the morning or afternoon to spend a few hours playing with other
children and doing activities under trained professional preschool teachers and learning Dutch.

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